Top 5 Tips to Stay the Course While Staying in Place

Top 5 Tips to Stay the Course While Staying in Place

Our workdays look a little different than they did a few months ago. We have migrated to new environments and the challenge to reset our expectations is setting in. To help those who are new to this different kind of setting, Varco Pruden and BlueScope Buildings North America compiled a few key tips to make it work.

1. Stay Focused
Virtual meetings are now part of our workday, and most of us are used to multi-tasking. It may be tempting to get other work done or check the news. Limit these distractions and value virtual meetings as though they are in person. Giving your full attention to a client or employee is powerful and much appreciated.

Here are a few tips for staying focused during a virtual meeting:

  • Find a quiet place to hold your meeting.
  • Avoid interacting with technology outside of what’s required for the meeting. Try to ignore your cell phone, if possible.
  • Turn off distractions and even silence your email notifications.
  • Grab a pen and notepad to take notes or to jot down ideas.
  • If your virtual meeting is long, try being active in a way that requires little attention, like walking or tossing a ball back and forth. Sometimes this can increase your ability to focus.


2. Stay Connected
Working from home puts employees and clients in a more isolated environment, making it harder to stay connected. Make sure to connect with your co-workers through virtual meetings, phone calls and emails.

  • Check out these user-friendly video conference platforms:
  • Make real connections and have fun doing it! Use your virtual meeting platform to host fun events and gatherings. Create themed meetings like jersey day, hat day, or trivia and find ideas that lighten the change in our working environment.
  • Make sure to schedule regular calls to check in with your team and clients. Checking in to make sure everyone feels connected is important.
  • If there is a new project with your employees and co-workers, schedule a quick 15-minute call to discuss it. This will eliminate back and forth emails and allow all parties involved to ask questions in one setting.


3. Stay Organized
The fluid environment of working from home allows for business to blend with personal. It’s essential to keep yourself organized and set boundaries for your workday. Set a schedule for your day and work with your virtual team to keep documents secure and easy to find.


4. Stay Flexible
Many people are working from home with other family members. A time in the day might not be optimal for you, your employee or client. Make sure to be flexible when scheduling calls and realize that technology comes with challenges.

  • Always have a “Plan B” if you are not able to make “Plan A” work.
  • Sometimes things do not happen as planned, and it is important to change your course on the fly. Make sure you are prepared to pivot and change meetings, calls, or move pre-scheduled plans around if necessary.
  • Find the bright side in the situation.


5. Stay Positive
It is important during these uncertain times to stay positive. Many of your co-workers and clients will pick up on your attitude. Take care of your mental health by implementing a positive outlook.

Different ways to help you stay positive:

  • Make sure to take breaks during your workday to give your mind a rest.
  • Read or watch something positive each day.
  • Reflect on the high points in each day.


Put a Stay on Work. Put work away at the end of the day! It is too easy to keep working well past normal hours, DON’T. Disconnect from work and reconnect with those at home. Use your newfound virtual meeting skills to connect with family and friends.

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